Multiple Options for Product Destruction in Salt Lake City
In Salt Lake City, customers use our product destruction service over and over again. We’ve been doing a lot of these toothpaste tubes for the past 3 weeks. Here is what that looks like:
For destruction, our plant in Salt Lake City is one of our most advanced facilities. We have several equipment options with which to destroy a variety of materials. We have a multi-shred system for labels and documents. We have a self-contained grinding system for larger plastic and metal items. We have a crusher for the even larger items that just need to be rendered useless so they cannot be sold elsewhere. We are also more advanced on our capability to recycle what is left after destruction. The packaging items we destroy are tough to recycle for most companies. We are able to recycle some products and resell the ground materials for the production of new products. Resale of materials means lower destruction costs, often a 50% savings to our customers.
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