hazardous waste nature plastic bottles

Plastics Recycling

If your company is generating a large amount of plastic waste, we can help ensure it’s recycled.


We offer plastics recycling services for a variety of grades of materials, including films, HDPE or LDPE, shrink wrap, and polycarbonate. For decades we’ve been committed to finding ways to recycle types of plastic that were previously landfilled.

Plastics recycling

A Better Way

Through our plastics recycling program, our save substantially on landfill and transportation costs.

We’ll work with you to ensure that anything that can be recycled is. If you bring us unsellable beverages or food, we’ll separate the packaging, bio-digest the liquids, and recycle the plastic containers.

Let’s Get your Team Closer to Zero Waste

We'll work with your company to maximize what you recycle and achieve your sustainability goals.

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